Information in compliance with § 5 ECG, § 14 UGB

Public disclosure in compliance with § 24 Mediengesetz

all those statutes as applicable on the territory of the Federal Republic of Austria. is Initiated and organized by Rudolf Huber,  an energy expert operating out of the city of Vienna (Austria).

Hereinafter, the initiative “Al Nahl” will be referred to as “Al Nahl”.

Al Nahl is an initiative based in Vienna (Austria). It imagines and develops

  • politics;
  • economic life and players;
  • the civil service and similar national organizations and public bodies on all levels;
  • International organizations;
  • other non-profit and/or environmental organizations;
  • as well as the populations of the various European countries;

and disseminates information highlighting the advantages of the use of LNG and its principal molecular agent Methane as well as its derivatives as a fuel for vehicles, industrial applications, power production, and heat-generating applications.

LNG Europe is based in Vienna (Austria).

LNG Europe hosts public events and participates in other such events if and when this appears to be advantageous for the introduction of LNG as a fuel. LNG Europe also hosts and participates in presentations and discussion roundtables in order to disseminate knowledge on the advantages of LNG as a vehicle fuel at all levels of European social life.

LNG Europe actively lobbies on subjects such as energy security, environmental protection, and logistics. The association offers public administrations, other associations, and economic players assistance when statutes and other regulations need to be created and/or reformed. It works for the creation of clear and concise foundations for the production, storage, and transport of LNG on the road, rail, waterway, or even air in Europe.

LNG Europe uses all in Europe available media.

Organization philosophy

LNG Europe believes that Methane – the principal agent in LNG – will become the essential pillar of the energy systems of Europe over the next 50 years as it allows for a clean but competitive energy economy. In particular, the organization prefers LNG to other fuels such as gasoline, diesel, or Kerosene for the above-mentioned reasons. Besides, Methane can be manufactured artificially and hence may be emissions-free.

LNG Europe is not affiliated nor does it adhere to any political philosophy or leaning. The private political or other views expressed by its representatives and/or members do not represent the views of the organization.

Competent regulating authority

Landespolizeidirektion Wien, Referat Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten

English translation: Regional Police Department Vienna, department for associations, public assembly, and media law

Public representatives

Mag. Rudolf Huber

Please contact us in case of questions: